
HTML SPECIAL CHARS (htmlspecialchars() ) convert special character to entities.
htmlspecialchars() is php function.
Certain characters have extraordinary significance in hypertext increase language and must be constrained to be addressed by hypertext increase language substances on the off probability that they're to spare loads
This capacity reestablishes a string with these progressions made.
If you just need all information substrings that have associated named parts to be comprehended, use htmlentities.
If the information string visited this capacity and accordingly the last file share a similar posting,
this ability is proficient make arrangements commitment for joining in a few settings of a hypertext increase language report.
The example of  htmlspecialchars() is :- 
Convert  characters "<" and ">"  to HTML entities:
$strchr = "Bold <b>this make bold</b> text.";
echo htmlspecialchars($strchr);
Expecting, in any case, the information will address characters that aren't coded inside the last chronicle posting and you need to convey those characters (as numeric or named components),
(which basically encodes substrings that have named segment partners) could be lacking.
